Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL Call VK5001SWL
January 17th 2017
Sunrise 1958z Sunset 0957z
F 78 A 2 K 2 No Storm SN 24 A6.9
Solar Wind 319km/s at 0100z
7.162 IW3IBK 1614 5x7.
7.152 MM0EAX 1616 5x5 , CQ Asia , last log on 40M Phone March 25th 2005 , longpath.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0018 weak Es , 0629 339 Es.
50.281 VK4RHT/b 0044 439 Es , 0128 329 , 0350 449 , 0603 weak , 0623 weak.
50.110 VK4AMG 0140 439 CW Es , QG62 , 1610km.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0345 449 Es , 0621 btw weak to fair , 0724 439.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0558 569 Es loud , 0605 579 , 0726 still 559 , 0800* gone, 1213 569 , 1245 weak ,
rare evening
33.0Mhz JA data pager 0618 S4.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0648 549 Es.
Problem with 50.285 VK4RTT/b , gone QRP or Aerial fault , Beacon Keeper will check soon.
50.110.80 VK2BPL 0744 549 CW Es , QF57 , 1230km.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0745 549 Es , QF57 , 1222km.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0801 549 Es , 0822 weaker , 0919 339 , 1121 btw weak to fair , all Es.
28.264 VK6RWA/b 0929 439 Es.
28.265 VK4RC/b 1116 539 Es.
7.145 VU2YVK 1324 5x5 , MK82 , 8320km , 20 North , new band.
January 18th 2017
F 79 A 4 K 4 18z K 4 21z No Storm
SN 26 A7.0
Solar Wind 437km/s at 0631z 10.0 p/cc density 0631z > IPS
28.265 VK4RC/b 2349 weak Es.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 2350 weak Es , 0051 549 Es.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0041 btw weak to fair Es , 0118 549 , 0139 539.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0051 569 Es.
33.0Mhz JA data pager 0105 S4 , earlier than usual.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0043 569 Es , 0107 569 , 0259 439.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0534 439 Es.
28.480 0732 Unid JA , btw weak to fair , Suffix OEU , not in my log , if i think a JA call is new it
goes in my log , no
matter what band , they often pop up on 10M !
18.130 A61ZA 0935 btw weak to fair , CQ DX , new in my log.
3.802 ZL3FRI 1101 btw weak to fair , CQ JA , JA Op in Dunedin , new band.
January 19th 2017
F 79 A 17 K 4 0z K 4 03z No Storm
SN 25 A7.0
Solar Wind 608km/s at 0446z
38.2C Today with 111km/hr wind gusts , another charming day , worried about aerials all day.
Monitored 6M and 10M , nothing heard.
7.163 K2KA 1219 weak , FN42 , MA .
January 20th 2017
F 80 A 11 K 3 No Storm SN 26 A7.1
Solar Wind 585km/s at 2313z
50.140 VK2CCW 0009 3x3 Es , QF56 , 1214km.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0007 549 Es , 0028 569 , 0100 569 , 0200 539.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0014 439 Es , 0025 549.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0029 weak Es , 0057 549 , 0957 539 , QG62 , 1630km
28.505 VK4GJC 0032 5x7 Es , QG62 , 1605km.
28.505 VK2WE 0032 5x4 Es , QF56 , 1118km.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0040 539 Es , QF56 , 1159km.
28.480 VK4FSCC 0044 5x7 Es , QG63 , 1659km.
28.480 VK2TAZ 0044 5x6 Es , QF56 , 1124km.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0106 549 Es , 0133 549 , QG63 , 1665km.
50.110 VK4KSY 0112 5x5 Es , QG64 , 1738km.
50.110 VK4RF 0120 5x4 Es , QG62 , 1625km.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0159 439 Es , 0451 439 , 0608 339 , 0812 439 , all Es.
50.110 VK4WTN 0232 5x6 Es , QG64 , 1747km.
50.281 VK4RHT/b 0243 539 Es , 0424 549 , 0624 539 , 0801 539 , QH23 , 2109km.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0253 439 Es , 0308 549 , 0351 still 539 , 0424 549 , 0604 539 , 0634 weak , 0801 539.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0806 weak Es , 0948 549.
14.174 SM5DPG 1158 weak.
14.180 RN3QN 1203 5x5.
7.163 K4MPI 1208 weak , Florida.
7.163 HK4L 1210 5x4 , FJ26 , Medellin , 15258km , 6 North , new in my log.
7.163 YB7SKM 1214 5x6 , Borneo , OI67 , 4432km , 2 South.
7.163 YN2N 1228 5x4 , EK71 , 14864km , 11 North.
January 21st 2017
F 83 A 11 K 3 No Storm SN 61 B1.0
Solar Wind 540km/s at 2047z
Southern Hemisphere Auroral Forecast 27.72GW at 0915z
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0018 559 Es , 0116 439 , 0526 weak Es , 0750 weak , 0845 weak , 1021 569 loud , 1103
weak , all Es.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0030 439 Es , 0318 weak Es , 0347 weak , 0526 weak , all Es.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0056 549 Es , 0755 539 , 0805 569 , 0818* gone.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0056 569 Es , 0215 549 , 0237 weak , 0849 weak.
28.510 VK2QV 0101 5x7 Es , QF56 , 1152km.
28.510 VK3FRAB 0101 5x4 Es , QF22 , Melbourne , 653km , new in my log.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0112 439 Es , 0136 549 , 0208 439 , 0316 329.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0114 549 Es , 0122 569 , 0208 439.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0117 439 Es , 0347 339 , 1023 439 Es.
28.495 VK4GJC 0119 5x6 Es , QG62.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0124 549 Es , 0618 539 , and soon gone.
50.110 VK4ALR 0126 4x3 Es , 0145 5x6 , QG56 , 1712km , Rockhampton.
50.281 VK4RHT/b 0129 339 Es.
50.110 ZL2WHO 0219 5x4 2Es , RE79 , 3301km.
50.110 VK2BHO 0242 3x3 Es , QF55 , 1127km.
50.110.70 VK2BHO 539 CW Es.
VK5BC PF95 wkg N3IZN DM13 at 0258z WSPR 50.294 at -27 13182km.
10M Asian Intruders 0323 few S4.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0318 569 Es , 0347 weak , 0416 weak , QE38 , 966km
28.298 V73TEN/b 0320 439 F2 , 0334 539 , 0415 539 , 0546 still 439 , a sure pointer to changing
seasonal propagation.
28.490 VK7DD 0351 5x6 Es , QE38 , 1018km , 3EL Mono , 400w.
28.292.20 NH6HI/b 0412 339 F2 , BL01 , 9083km , last heard November 24th 2016 , nearly two months ago.
28.485 JA0DCQ 0529 5x6 TEP, loud , PM96 , 7929km , 36 North , Nagano City , at 360 degrees.
28.490 YB8NT 0601 5x4 F2 , OI99 , 4241km , 0.8 degrees South , Sulawesi new in my log , as always ,
bemused by the lack of YB stations outside of Contest periods , always expect to hear many more ,
but never do,
0633 weak.
28.490 VK4KY 0601 5x3 Es , QG62 , 1605km.
28.490 ZL3MH 0609 5x4 2Es , RE66 , 3061km , last heard December 26th 2015 , hardly hearing any ZL
via Es on 10M phone this summer , been a real drought of ZL logs on 10m , used to hear many many more ,
really missing 28.228 ZL3TEN/b.
28.470 VK4AS 0631 5x6 Es , QG62 , 1605km.
50.110.80 VK2IR/QRP 0803 549 CW Es , QF56 , 1160km.
18.130 A41KB 1037 5x5 , LL93 , 10661km.
7.178 KH2MG 1046 5x8 , QK23 , 5409km.
7.178 KH0I 1046 5x9 , QK25, 5604km.
7.155 P29LL 1052 5x6 , QI30 , 2963km.
28.490 1056 Unid VK4 in LSB , peaking 5x5 Es.
Noted X Ray Flux C6.1 at 1108z.
January 22nd 2017
F 86 A 11 K 4 0z No Storm SN 67
B1.4 Solar wind 532km/s at 0316z
Southern Hemisphere Auroral Forecast 30.80GW at 0210z
50.110.80 VK2BHO 569 CW Es , QF55 , 1127km
50.150 VK4ADT 0045 5x9 Es , off the side , QTH Esk , 1605km , new in my log.
50.155 VK2FAD 0045 5x6 Es , qsy 50.155 0046 5x9 , back to 50.110 0048 59 +25.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0052 569 Es , 0114 549.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0057 549 Es , 0119 539.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0103 549 Es , 0259 439.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0104 539 Es.
50.110 VK2UPR/Mobile 0122 5x4 Es.
50.110 VK4ADC 0122 5x9 Es , off the side , QG62 , 1586km.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0141 549 Es , QG63 , 1665km.
50.110 VK4AMG 0156 5x6 Es , QG62 , 1610km.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0219 weak Es , 0614 btw weak to fair.
28.490 VK4KUS 0222 5x3 Es , QG64 , 1735km.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0241 549 Es.
50.281 VK4RHT/b 0241 539 Es.
7.128 NP4A 1026 5x9.
January 23rd 2017
F 87 A 9 K 2 No Storm SN 61 B1.3
Solar Wind 483km/s at 2045z
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0712 549 Es , 0747 still btw weak to fair Es.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0718 weak Es , 0738 weak.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0721 339 Es.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0725 439 Es.
7.146 CT1EHI 0814 btw weak to fair , longpath
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0944 weak Es , 1014 539.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0947 weak Es.
50.281 VK4RHT/b 0952 439 Es.
January 24th 2017
F 84 A 4 K 2 No Storm SN 53 B1.0
Solar Wind 403km/s at 2153z
14.205 A41NN 1239 5x4 CQ.
Monitoring 6M and 10M nothing heard.
January 25th 2017
F 82 A 3 K 3 No Storm SN 55 B1.0
Solar Wind 354km/s at 0344z
50.288 VK2RHV/b 2351 559 Es , 0005 569 , 0046 549 , 0225 549.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 2350 559 Es , 0303 still 549 , 0343 still 539.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 2350 549 Es , 0304 still 539 , 0741 549 , 1059 559 , 1118 549 , all Es.
50.110 VK2BZE 2354 5x6 Es , 0024 5x6 , 0033 59+10 , 0138 5x9 , QF55 , 1129km.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 2357 569 Es , 0047 569 , 0147 539 , 0225 549.
50.110 VK2HC 59+10 Es Phone , QF56 , 1157km.
50.110 VK2FPQ 0002 5x6 Es , QF55 , 1075km.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0008 339 Es.
50.165 VK2ARA 0015 5x5 Es , 0032 5x7 , 0102 5x9 , 0150 5x7 , 0210 5x9 , QF55 , 1123km.
50.130 VK2ZQ 0018 59+20 Es Phone , QF55 , 1135km.
50.130 ZL3AAU 0018 5x3 2Es , RE66 , 3046km.
50.110.80 VK2BPL 0039 569 CW Es , 0102 579 , QF57 , 1230km.
53.875 VK2RBM 0043 Repeater , Blue Mountains , QTH Lawson , QF56 , 1104km , S4.
50.110 VK3EY 0105 59+20 Es Phone , QF23 , 639km , Shepparton.
50.110 VK2SB 0111 4x3 Es , QF59 , 1290km.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0115 549 Es , 0401 549 back in , PG66 , 1329km.
50.110 VK2XQ 0118 5x5 Es , QF56 , 1080km.
52.100 VK3MEG 0156 5x4 Es , QF22 , 620km , first log on 6M , last heard on 10M Phone February 8th 2016.
50.057 VK7RAE/b 0215 549 Es , 0251 549 , 0316 weaker , 0753 549.
50.297 VK7RST/b 0253 439 Es , 0805 439 , 0820 weak.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0305 339 Es , 0634 weak Es.
28.485 VK3LPG 0306 5x6 Es , QF12 , Stawell , 384km.
50.110 VK7DX 0310 5x4 Es , QE37 , 960km.
28.495 VK1PWE 0345 4x3 Es , QF44 , 960km , new in my log.
28.490 JA0DCQ 0637 5x6 TEP.
28.490 VK7ZGK 0638 5x6 Es , QE37 , 1158km , last heard on 10M June 1st 2008.
73 de David Vitek
Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL Call VK5001SWL