Dear SWL,
You are invited to the Short Listening Period Contests (SLP) 2017. These contests are sponsored by the Dutch radio amateur association, the VERON, and take place 8 times spread over the year.
SLP-weekends in 2017:
1. 28-29 January
2. 4-5 March
3. 25-26 March
4. 13-14 May
5. 8-9 July
6. 9-10 September
7. 14-15 October
8. 28-29 October
The rules of the contest are published on: .
Have fun with your radio hobby and especially with these contests!
73, Ruud Ivens, NL290, SWL Contest Manager VERON.
Dear SWL,
First of all: best wishes for the new year 2017.
You are invited to the SWL New Year Contest on Sunday 8 January 2017. This contest is sponsored by the Dutch Radio Amateur Association, the VERON.
The rules of the contest are quite plain and therefor the contest is especially suited for the beginning contester, but also the more experienced contesters are invited to attend the contest.
The rules are available on: .
73, Ruud Ivens, NL290, SWL Contest Manager VERON.